Hello twittery tweety types

Apparently one of my cartoons from this week’s Private Eye has been tweeted by twittery people on a website for opinions that are as important as bird noise. Just in case anyone finds my website I thought I’d add a post to say hello hope you like the cartoon. Contact me to buy a copy. You could hang it from your nest or put it at the bottom of your cage and poo all over it.

Napalm in the morning cartoon

One of my cartoons has been used in a history GCSE question about Vietnam and I keep getting enquiries about it, so here’s all you need to know, GCSE-ers!!

The cartoon shows a US army officer with some perfume called “Smell of napalm in the morning”. This is a reference to the film Apocalypse Now where the character played by Robert Duvall says “I love the smell of napalm in the morning”. I just thought if he liked it so much he’d buy it as a perfume. That’s it, it’s just a daft joke, there is no deeper political meaning to it whatsoever, it’s just silly.

Now you can all stop emailing me and do your bloody homework on your own like we all had to when we were at school and the internet hadn’t been invented you lazy little ratbags. Oh, and good luck with your GCSEs.

White House Wit

Out now in time for Christmas, political wit fans, is White House Wit, Wisdom and Wisecracks by Phil Dampier and Ashley Walton and cartoons by ME!!! Don’t let your little ones be looking through their sack of 3DSs and X-box games on Christmas morning only to find you haven’t bought them the one gift they really wanted. “Mummy” they implore through tear-stained cheeks, “Did you forget to buy me the funny book where George W Bush says dumb stuff?”. Watch them trudge back to school in the New Year to face the humiliation of being the only kid in class not able to quote quips from John Quincy Adams, thereby being left out of the cool kids gang and leading to a life on the edge of society, drugs, misery and a lonely death. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Buy a copy now.

I don’t have to buy one, I got my free copy in the post, that’s the sort of luxury freebie lifestyle cartoonists lead. I celebrated with a launch party on the sofa in my back room, drinks were coffee and delightful multigrain toast nibbles. There was a star studded attendance, Jeremy Kyle was there but he brought a right bunch of aggressive divs with him so I turned over and was regaled with amusing stories of property development by the delightfully urbane Martin Roberts and his twinkly friend Lucy Alexander who laughed at everything everyone said and pulled faces to pretend she gave a crap about their crummy holiday cottages. Dress code was informal, I was in my pants, and party over we moved on to the kitchen where I had more coffee with Holly Willoughby before retiring to think of something else to do rather than work, which turned out to be writing this blog.

Christmas is coming so get an original cartoon for you or a friend, still at 2012 prices, you lucky lucky people, go on, email me now!!!

Private Eye: A Cartoon History

Nick Newman’s must-buy cartoon compilation is out today, I’ve just finished looking through it and it’s wonderful, although it bafflingly contains quite a few cartoons not by me. Rush out and get it for everyone you know for Christmas. It has little thumbnail biogs of lots of cartoonists which reveal a mass history of illness, alcoholism and suicide, so hurrah for the cartooning life and I’ll pour myself another absinthe. There’s even a photo of me on the Day I Wore A Tie, an event not often seen.

Plenty of my cartoons are inside, including the now-legendary Elephant Man joke, so you can rush out for another chance to laugh hysterically at that one all over again, or just look at where it’s published somewhere else on this blog-thingy. All cartoons available for sale; if the original’s sold I can knock up a redraw, price still a remarkable £100, just send a cheque to the address on this site. What else can you get for £100 these days? Nothing, that’s what, except maybe the entire Eurozone economy, so get those cheques written NOW you lucky lucky people, and make me slightly less skint than I am.

Latest updates

I am still utterly rubbish at updating this blog.

Prince Philip book

I know what you’re thinking, it’s nearly Christmas and I don’t have any hilarious Prince Philip stories to tell the world, I’ll be left out of the annual who’s got the best Prince Philip story competition. Well worry no more. Prince Philip: Wise Words and Golden Gaffes is out now, with cartoons by me! Rush out and buy a copy today, or miss out on all the Yuletide Philip-related hilarity.

Private Eye at the V & A

Went to the private view of the exhibition of Private Eye cartoons to celebrate the Eye’s 50 years in print. It’s a small exhibition but fun, with several of my cartoons displayed. It’s free to visit. Some interesting facts, not least that Grizelda Grizlingham, the renowned cartoonist, was born in 1911 so is celebrating her 100th as the Eye celebrates 50. I chatted with Grizelda, she was game for a centenarian, although she had a large stuffed blackbird on her hat which kept knocking over the exhibits.

Here’s one of my cartoons featured in the exhibition. Wouldn’t it make an ideal Christmas present for your loved one? Yes it would. I can draw it up for £100, just send a cheque payable to R.G.Jolley to my contact address and I’ll draw it up and you’ll have it by return of post, you lucky people.

Private Eye: The First 50 years

Private Eye: The First 50 years, by Adam Macqueen, is out now. It’s a lovely book, and very nice about me. I urge everyone to go out and buy a copy immediately.

Sales update

Some of the cartoons on this website have now been sold but feel free to contact me, I can always redraw them, the fee’s the same, £100. If you buy three I’ll knock off 25%. Bargain!

I’m always open to commissions, if you have an idea for a cartoon for a family member or work colleague (they make excellent leaving presents) the usual fee would be £150. Go on, you know you want to.

Irritance and irritability

I don’t seem to be doing a very good job of keeping this diary thing updated, unlike my friend Roz who is rowing the Indian Ocean and still manages to post stuff every day. Please read her blog at www.rozsavage.com.  Particularly as I have managed to irritate her with a stupid joke. You can be thousands of miles from civilisation and I can still annoy you, that’s the blessing of the internet.

Several cartoons by me in this week’s Eye. All still available for purchase.